Behaviors and Actions
Physical and Psychological Symptoms
Situations Triggering Extreme Anxiety
We believe there’s a hero in all of us, including you. Our mission is to help you transform your extreme fear of public speaking into self-confidence—by providing a safe and supportive environment to learn, practice and master new anxiety management skills. We’ve helped hundreds of mid-career business professionals build their self-confidence, overcome stagefright, and drive their careers to new heights.
You know in your heart that the only way you’ll ever be able to overcome your fear is by facing it. But you just don’t know how to do that. You’ve probably spent years dreading demands for you to speak in public. You’ve held on to the wishful thought that one fine day, somehow, you’ll wake up and it will be—all gone! But that fine day never seems to come. You probably got disappointed in yourself and felt more and more hopeless.
It seems too embarrassing to tell others about it and ask for their advice. Certainly not your boss, your business colleagues, perhaps not even your spouse or best friend. When acquaintances or book authors offer their advice on how to reduce stagefright, it’s all so condescending and obvious. If public speaking training were that easy you’d have done it by now! They seem to assume that your fear can be easily fixed right away during their “Step One,” then off you go to polishing your delivery. They just don’t get it!
Mid-career brings new pressures to speak to clients, customers, management, and audiences of all kinds. Are you avoiding these requests or actual demands at all costs? Are your excuses wearing thin, even to yourself? Are you afraid management will eventually write you off for further advancement? You don’t need to be told that ability to speak in public is key to moving up the career ladder.
When you were entry-level, no one sought your opinions. Those at the top end of the career ladder wouldn’t be there if they hadn’t mastered public speaking. At mid-career, the ability to effectively speak in public separates the winners—who get promoted—from those who get left behind. And that’s too bad, because by now, you have the experience, knowledge and expertise that can come only from your years of hard work. But all of this isn’t enough. You’ve got to be able to communicate it to co-workers, your boss, clients, and customers.
Don’t get left behind!
We have helped hundreds of Washingtonians and out-of-towners, from all walks of life, overcome their extreme fear of public speaking. In ten short weeks, our specialized classes, combined with our other unique strategies, can help you begin to feel the freedom and exhilaration of knowing you’re back in control, back in the game.
Show them what you know!
Lawyers, doctors, military officers, government employees, businessmen and women, sales people, managers, supervisors, accountants, computer specialists, entrepreneurs, consultants, law enforcement professionals, teachers, professors, students, etc., gain public speaking confidence.
Do you think that extreme fear of public speaking (the most common disabling fear) is like the weather that you can’t do anything about it? We’ve proven different, hundreds of times, helping people just like you get over it, once and for all. In ten short weeks our unique small classes and special methods, can set you free. Picture the glow you’ll experience week by week as you grow in your confidence. And the euphoria when you graduate with new options for future success.
Our Secrets:
We know how overwhelming and intimidating it is for you to be blocked by your extreme fear of public speaking. It may seem insurmountable to you right now to punch through this intimidating barrier. We expect that by enrolling in our classes, you will achieve a “Personal Breakthrough.” That means that you’ll discover you can speak in public situations, that you can do things you’ve not been able to do, and that you can imagine you’re on your way to new and courageous capability.
The process of recovery is not immediate. It will be gained progressively as you put more energy and effort into practicing your new abilities. Thus, we do not claim that you will achieve 100% recovery over the short timeline of the course.
We are a business, but we have a sense of mission. We have personally experienced fear of public speaking and want to help as many others as possible to get over it too. By offering our Money-Back Guarantee do we take a risk? Sure we do. We have many costs to cover and we do want to become a business success story. But we’re very confident of our educational model and have enjoyed a recovery rate of over 90%. For those students who make a reasonable effort, success is predictable. You’ll know it when you make your “Personal Breakthrough”—and so will we. People with an extreme fear of public speaking tend to be smart, decent and uniformly nice people. We find they give us proper credit for helping them.
Men and women who no longer have stage fright are giving a round of applause The vast majority of our graduates, even years later, tell us that our classes changed their lives. They became free to move forward in their careers, free of the nagging worry that at any time they could be called upon to speak in public. Their fear was turned into empowerment.
Our classes will be a transformative experience for you. Your attitude of terror and hopelessness will change into confidence that Public Speaking is within your grasp. Remember when you were a teenager and attended driving school? You got transformed from a Non-driver into a Driver. By no means were you transformed immediately into a good, much less a great driver, but you did become—a Driver. We all know that improving and fully mastering driving skills is a lifelong learning process. It’s the same with public speaking. Our Stagefright Survival School is guaranteed to transform you from a Non-Public Speaker to a functioning Public Speaker. Or your money back.
Our Stagefright Survival School is not a passive experience. It’s no different than any other school that requires participants to expend real effort. Like learning a new sport, you know you’ll have to work at it. Getting over a lifelong extreme fear may make it even harder for you. At first, you can expect to feel scared and very uncomfortable. We can cushion and reduce your fear and discomfort at the early stages. We’re confident that when you make your own “Personal Breakthrough,” you’ll be amazed and even euphoric.
We at Roundhouse are a group of mental health professionals in Alexandria, Virginia who specialize in Anxiety, Depression, Work Stress, Relationships, Adult ADD, Adult OCD, Parenting, Fear of Public Speaking, Severe Phobias and more. Our psychiatrist, psychiatric social workers, physician assistant and other staff members have a combined experience and expertise that spans a wide range of problems. Our team approach enables us to smoothly coordinate a variety of effective psychological and medical treatments.
111 Oronoco Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
We moved into our first office building in Old Town, Alexandria located on a site where once existed a railroad roundhouse. That’s how we got our name, Roundhouse Square Counseling Center. The railroad metaphor inspired our tag line: “Getting you back on the right track.”
Copyright 2024 Roundhouse Square Counseling Center. All rights reserved. Website by CJKCREATIVE.COM